

發布時間:2024年10月16日 15:07     來源:中國新聞網


  部分專家指出,中國式現代化對全球尤其是對發展中國家,產生了積極影響。通過發展合作共贏的伙伴關系,中國不僅推動了這些國家的社會經濟進步,還激勵了許多發展中國家探索自身的經濟發展道路。同時,一些專家認為,中國在發展、創新和環境保護之間實現了良好平衡。此外,也有專家提到,中國的教育水平顯著提升,吸引了來自全球各地的學生,展現了現代化帶來的廣泛益處。(趙麗 汪鳳萍)

  Insights | Foreign officials praise Chinese modernization achievements from multiple perspectives

  A group of foreign government officials and experts visiting China for exchange and study shared their insights on China's modernization from different perspectives with China News Network and DeepChina, including global development, South-South cooperation, ethnic equality, green development, and education.

  Some experts pointed out that Chinese modernization has had a positive impact on developing countries. Through win-win partnerships, China has not only promoted social and economic progress in these countries but also inspired many developing nations to explore their own paths to economic development.

  Some experts believe that China has struck a good balance among development, innovation, and environmental protection. Additionally, some experts highlighted the significant improvements in China's education system, which attracts students from all over the world, showcasing the wide-ranging benefits brought about by modernization. (By Zhao Li, Wang Fengping)


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