

發布時間:2023年06月11日 16:06     來源:中國新聞網

  近日,德中聯盟聯邦總會主席、德國聯邦總理府前國務秘書、聯邦政府前發言人奧托·豪澤(Otto Hauser)接受中新網專訪時稱,中國政府派遣特使到訪俄羅斯和烏克蘭,是一個好的開端。中國有能力且愿意扮演烏克蘭危機的和平斡旋者。他進一步指出,如果各方開展對話并取得良好結果,就有望在不久后實現和平。在政治解決烏克蘭危機這一問題上,中國所扮演的和平促進者的角色非常重要,“我堅信中國會有所作為,并希望中國能夠成功。”(薛凌橋)

  (ECNS)-- “The visit by the Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs to Moscow and Kiev is a good start,” said Otto Hauser, chairman of the Federal Association of the German-Chinese Alliance (BDCA), in an exclusive interview with CNS.

  “If the conversation begins and important consensuses can be reached at the talk, we will soon see peace between the two sides,” Hauser, also the former Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Chancellor and government spokesman of Germany said, adding that China’s role as a mediator on the Ukraine Crisis is very important. “I firmly believe that China will make its contribution to solving the crisis, and I hope that it will work,” he concluded. (Xue Lingqiao)


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